How to Burn Calories? 6 Weird Ways To Burn Calories
How to Burn Calories: 6 Weird Ways To Burn Calories.
No one ever said weight loss was easy. In addition to keeping track of what you eat, you also need to make sure you’re getting an adequate amount of exercise every day in order to burn off those extra calories you don’t need.
Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a way to give your workout routine a
little supplementary boost without having to expend any extra effort?
Well today’s your lucky day, because as it turns out, we can think of at
least six best exercise to burn calories in unusual ways.
While a proper diet and getting a proper amount of exercise are the two
most sure-fire ways to burn calories and stay in shape, you might be pleased to
learn that the human body also burns smaller amounts of calories in specific
While these other methods are no substitute for eating right and staying
active, they can still potentially give you a minor boost. After all, as anyone
who’s ever tried to lose weight can attest, every calorie counts!
1.Exposure to Cold
Did you know that there are actually two different types of fat that can
be found in the human body?
It’s true! The majority of the fat stored in your body belongs to a
category known as “white fat”, and is mainly used by your body to store energy.
However, in addition to white fat, your body also contains a lesser amount of
another type of fat, known as “brown fat”.
The primary function of brown fat is to maintain your body heat when
exposed to cold temperatures. Additionally, studies appear to indicate that
people who are overweight or obese tend to have less active brown fat in their
system compared to people with healthier weights. When your body is exposed to
temperatures that are lower than normal, it stimulates the brown fat in your
body, which in turn leads to you burning a larger amount of calories.
So how cold do you have to be before you start seeing some weight-loss
results? Well, before you throw away your winter coat, listen to this: In one
study, a group of healthy young men spent two hours in an environment where the
temperature was kept at 66 degrees Fahrenheit (or 19 degrees Celsius).
While all of the men involved burned calories faster at this
temperature, it was determined that the participants with the highest brown fat
activity burned up to three times the amount of calories they would normally!
In a similar study, participants who spent two hours in an environment
set to 62 degrees Fahrenheit (or 17 degrees Celsius) were found to burn over
160 calories more per day on average.
When it comes to making the most of your weight loss routine, it turns
out that a little bit of cold can go a long way.
2. Cold Water
If you’re going to be staying active as part of meeting your weight loss
goals, chances are you probably already know how important it is to stay
properly hydrated.
What you might not have known is that in addition to quenching your
thirst during an intense workout, drinking water might also help you lose
weight in a much more direct way. According to scientific research, drinking
water has been found to give people a temporary boost in metabolism; in
particular, some studies seem to show that cold water is especially useful when
it comes to giving your metabolism a quick kick-start.
The reason for this is fairly simple: as water enters your system, your
body heats it up to match your natural body temperature, which in turn
increases your metabolic rate.
In two different studies, researchers discovered that participants who
drank about 17 ounces of cold water experienced a 24 to 30 percent increase in
calorie burning which lasted for 90 minutes.
However, this research is still fairly inconclusive, as both studies
used a relatively small group of participants when conducting their
Additionally, other research seems to indicate that the actual amount of
metabolic increase that comes from drinking water most likely varies from
person to person.
That being said, getting enough water is still an important part of a
healthy workout regime, so make sure to stay hydrated regardless!
3. Chewing Gum
Chewing gum can bring you a number of different benefits, from whitening
your teeth to helping keep your breath fresh.
But did you also know that chewing gum might also help keep your weight
The act of chewing gum has been shown to make you feel more full and
content, and this makes you less likely to resort to unnecessary calories
through excess snacking.
According to some research, chewing gum might even help to speed up your
metabolism! In one study, a group of healthy adults was found to burn
significantly more calories by chewing gum after meals, and in another,
participants who chewed gum for 20 minutes after eating were found to have an
increased metabolic rate that lasted until the next morning. If you want to try
this to see the results for yourself, Health line suggests that you stick to
sugar-free gum; that way, it’s easier on your teeth!
4. Giving Blood
As a blood donor, you have the satisfaction of knowing that you were
able to make a contribution that could end up saving someone’s life.
As an added bonus, it might lead to you burning slightly more calories
than usual too!
Have you ever wondered why the nurses always give you a cookie and a
juice box after you donate blood?
It might have something to do with the fact that having your blood drawn
temporarily increases the number of calories you burn. When you donate blood,
your body has to work to replenish its overall blood supply, requiring it to
synthesize new proteins and red blood cells. Your body needs the energy to complete
this replenishing process and draws on the calories stored in your body as an
energy source. If that’s not enough, research has also appeared to suggest that
there are a number of other unexpected health benefits that may come from
donating blood regularly: these benefits include lowering the risk of heart
disease and inflammation, as well as increasing antioxidant activity in your
Of course, you don’t want to end up giving blood faster than your body
can replenish it. Make sure to wait at least eight weeks between trips to the
blood bank in order to prevent any health complications.
5. Fidgeting
Do you have trouble sitting still? While your parents and teachers may
have given you a hard time for fidgeting, it turns out that you may be able to reap
some unexpected benefits from your so-called “bad” habit.
According to some research, activities such as fidgeting fall under a
concept known as non-exercise activity thermogenesis, or NEAT. According to
NEAT, these small, non-athletic activities might actually be a useful way to
burn a couple extra calories.
According to one study, especially fidgety individuals were found to
burn up to six times more calories on average than they did standing or sitting
still. In another, researchers concluded that a combination of standing, walking
and fidgeting could help someone burn up to 2000 extra calories throughout the
day, depending on their weight and activity level.
So the next time your teacher tells you to stop bouncing your leg in
class, just tell them it’s part of your workout routine!
6. Laughter
They say that laughter is the best medicine, but is it also the best
weight-loss product?
Maybe not, but it definitely helps! A study was conducted in which 45
different couples were asked to watch movies that were either humorous or
What researchers discovered was that the couples who watched funny
movies would (unsurprisingly) laugh more, and as a result, their metabolic rate
increased by up to 20 percent!
If that’s not enough to convince you, laughter has also been linked to a
number of health benefits as well. According to various studies, laughing often
can help improve both your physical and your mental health in a number of
different ways, including memory, immunity and arterial function.
I guess laughter really is the best medicine, after all! In conclusion,
while eating right and keeping yourself in shape are the best ways to manage your
calories, there are also a number of other techniques and tricks you can use in
order to supplement a healthy lifestyle.
Losing weight isn’t always easy, but hopefully, this advice will help
you burn at least a few extra calories every day, and help bring you closer to
your weight loss goals.
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