How To Lose Arm Fat | The Best Exercise To Lose Arm Fat

April 09, 2020

Do you have lots of arm fat that you can’t seem to get rid of?
Have no fear, this article will help you get rid of that pesky arm fat once and for all and maybe even gain some muscle while you’re at it!

We can judge our physical appearance in many ways, and the amount of arm fat we have is one of them.
Arm fat is caused by excess fat traveling to the arm area, and unlike other areas of the body that accumulate fat, burning the excess fat in the arm can be quite difficult, especially if there is very little muscle.

Speaking of muscle, can you guess what the world record is for most weight ever lifted through a bench press? Stick around until the end of the article to find out.

We’ll also show you how to perform the perfect bench press!

1.The One Arm Triceps:

To perform the exercise this way, pull the handle of the cable down, so that your upper arm and your elbow are locked at the side of your body at an angle that is less than 90 degrees.

Next, move the handle all the way down your side, until your arm is completely straight.
Be sure to only use your forearm to move the cable down.

Squeeze your triceps, hold for a moment, and return back to the starting position.

2.Dip Those Triceps:

This exercise will help your biceps and triceps, and the best part is you can do this in the comfort of your own home.

Simply get a chair and stand in front of it, keeping a 3-foot distance.

Turn your back to the chair and place both hands firmly on the edge of it.
Make sure the hands are shoulder length apart, and now move forward three steps.
Now simply bend both elbows slowly and lower your body to the ground.

Do as many reps as you can with this exercise, and FEEL THE BURN!

3.Lateral Plank Walk:

To do this exercise, lay on your stomach with your hands shoulder-width apart.

Keep your legs and feet together in a push-up position, and you will slowly move your left hand to where the right hand is, and the right hand to where the left hand was.

The lateral plank walk is a great exercise to not define and shape your deltoids and shoulders, but it will also challenge and shape your core!
4.The Push-up:

This exercise not only targets the triceps but also the pectoral muscle. This is one of the most efficient and common bodyweight exercises you could do.

Simply lay on your stomach with your feet together and your hands at shoulder length.
Now put your palms on the floor, still keeping them shoulder length apart, bend your elbows and push up!

Pushups are a great exercise to build your upper body strength this is because they work the pectoral muscles, triceps, and shoulders. But they are also great for building strength elsewhere in your body too!

Healthline states that pushups can help strengthen your lower back as well as your abdominal muscles.

Pushups are a great exercise to perform because they can be done anywhere without the need for any equipment or even a gym.

5. Counter Pushup:
Well, this is just a normal pushup, except you’re doing it from a different level. 
Find a counter, assume the pushup position by placing your hands on the edge of the counter. Keep your feet together and bend your elbows and let your chest go towards the counter.

6. The Bench Press:

It’s time to learn how to do one of the most popular exercises in the body building community:

The bench press. Body building states that this exercise is one of the most important exercises for building your upper body, and for good reason! Not only does it build your chest, but it also builds your shoulders, triceps, back, and even your glutes!

So here's how to do a proper bench press:

  • First,position yourself under the bench press bar.

  • Make sure your feet are flat on the ground, squeeze your shoulders together, and push the top of your back into the bench.

  • Keep a slight arch in your back and set your grip on the bar firmly.

  • Take a deep breath and unrack the bar.

  • Move the bar downwards towards your chest, and then push it back up as you tighten your glutes and drive your legs into the ground.

Keep in mind that if you are a beginner you should perform the exercise with just the bar at first.

If you are lifting heavy weights, always have a friend there with you to spot you in case
the weight gets too heavy.’

So, want to know what the world record is for the most weight ever lifted through a bench press?
According to topendsports, the current bench press world champion is Ryan Kennelly, who bench pressed a whopping 1075 lbs (487.6 kg).

Time to get started on those bench presses if you want to reach that record!
Some of the best exercises to lose arm fat and tone your muscles!

Remember, if you are older, it is more difficult to gain muscle and lose fat. This is because getting older also contributes to excess fat, says UCLA researcher and geriatrician Jonathan Wanagat. He states that the reason for this is that the body will store more fat and the muscles will slowly begin to deplete.

So once the excess fat overtakes the muscle, it will also be difficult to shed. Your metabolism will also slow down as you get older, which means you will burn fewer calories.

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