How To Get a Flat Stomach | Top 5 ABS MISTAKES TO AVOID

April 29, 2020

If you consider your belly a problem zone when it comes to fat loss, you are not alone. This is especially true if you already lost some weight, but still feel far away from a “flat tummy”.

In this article we're going to talk about the commonly made mistakes to avoid if you want those flaps, define abs.

As you guys may know it I got a couple of abs workout article out there and I get asked these frequently, how to get abs, how did I not get bloated abs, because some people get flat abs.

So today I'm going to give out some pointers that's going to help you out.

Here are the top 5 mistakes that commonly made and I'm going to give you guys some tips on how to avoid them, let's get started.

Not Engaging

This is so important, because if you're not engage in court, there is no point doing ab exercises.

it is also Very important to engage your core for other exercises, like squats, dead-lifts, pull ups, crunches, Russian twist planks and all of that. It is very important because its chants that are going to injure yourself if you don't engage your core? And that leads to my most common ask question is; how do you engage your core

To engage your core, you need to pull your bellybutton inward and concentrate on squeezing your abs and do the exercises. 
When you're not focused or happy on my nails way, you won't have that mind-muscle connection. If you're doing it right, you shouldn't be able to talk and work your abs at the same time, it should be completely tense and tight, like really tight like a rock. So for example when you're doing a low plank, make sure you tuck it back in and squeeze your abs. don't poke your back out and also don't let it drip down. 

Remember to really squeeze your abs and pull your abs in. If you don't want to blow the abs, you need to pull your abs in and squeeze your abs you should feel really tight.

Breathing Technique

Learning the brief current, wave going to make such a huge difference to your workouts. You cannot able complete your workout Chances are you're not breathing right. 

Some people hold a breath out of habit or you might not even realize, it but you're depriving yourself of much needed oxygen that makes you fatigued. 

To get this right just remember the thumb rule of exhaling during the hotpot and inhaling during the easy part. For example, when you're doing a crunch, squeeze your abs while you're coming out and breathing out at the same time. 

Try this with your mouth if you need practice and all the time you'll just become an afterthought.

This will make your ab workout so much more efficient, because you are able to squeeze your abs better when you're breathing out, and also it's pretty hard to squeeze your abs when you're breathing in. try it and you know what I mean. 

Also if you want to avoid that bloated outlook, you need to make sure you breathe out and squeeze your abs at the same time. Make sure you breathe out, because if you hold your breath in there's a chance that you're going to have that bloated abs look, so if you want that flat abs look breathe out and squeeze your abs, and that way you can really engage your core and squeeze those abs.

Inconsistent Form

The third most commonly make mistake is bad form, and also not doing the full range of motion. 

So if you're engaging your core and breathing right, the next most important thing is to have consistent bone, when you do every one of your repetitions. Don’t try to speed up and do them quickly, if you don't get your ball right. If you lose focus and you're just doing the workouts without the mind muscle connection, you'll be using other muscle groups like your arms or legs to do the exercises.

The tip is to do your exercises slow in control. Know the start and the end of your exercises and aim to do them right each time. There is no point doing a half-ass job. Doing your workouts in the right consistent form is going to give you the results while doing a half-ass job is going to give you little results and it's also going to waste your time. 

So try your best to do it in a full range of motion, from the start to the end and repeat. So here's the recap, remember to engage your core, breathe right and also do it in the full range of motion

So for example, for Russian twist make sure you really twist your upper body, twist to the left and twist to the right. Make sure you do it in a four inch of motion not just tapping your hands on the ground or just do it really quickly without a full range of motion. And similarly for crunches, make sure you breathe out, squeeze your abs and also do it in a full range of motion, don't just do a half-ass job.

Compound Exercises
the fourth most common mistake is forgetting your compound exercises, like that lit squats, lunges, pull-ups, push-ups all of that. 

These compound exercises require you to have a strong core and also it's going to help you to change your body composition in a good way. They also help to burn so much calories, because they're using multiple muscle groups at the same time.

So aim to do at least one or two sessions of compound exercises a week and also doing all these compound exercises like squats, dead-lifts, pull-ups, and push-ups are going to make you feel so strong.

Forgetting Diet

Mistake number five is forgetting your diet, just eating junk and crap is not going keep you abs.

so if you want those flat outs and not blow the abs you need to have a low body fat percentage, so no matter how many conscious you do? How many exercises you do? You’re not going be able to see your abs if you have too much body fat percentage. So make sure you have lots of vegetables, Whole Foods and not packaged processed food and that's going to help a lot.

So those are the five most commonly make

 mistakes and also 5 tips to get those flat abs. 

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