6 Mistakes You still Doing at Training
Are you trying everything you possibly can to lose weight and get a
toned body, but aren't seeing any results. are you dieting and hitting the gym
five times a week, but the pounds are still there. Without the proper knowledge
you might be following an exercise routine that keeps you stuck on your journey
or worse, it might even set you back.
Keep reading to learn which things to avoid and which to incorporate.
Warming up before exercising and stretching afterward are necessary
components of any weight loss or toning routine. Everyone's in a rush these
days, it's understandable if you're pumped when you arrive at the gym and can't
wait to get on that treadmill or begin doing heavy weight training immediately. Unfortunately if you don't warm up, you risk injuring your body. If that
happens, you'll definitely face a setback.
Your body needs to be warmed up, and your muscles need to be loose
before you can try to push them beyond their limits. If you do warm up but only
stretch before exercising and not after, you might have prepared your body for
the workout, but your muscles will be left in a state of contraction and
tension, this means that instead of feeling relaxed after exercising you'll
feel tense and restricted.
A huge
part of weight loss is the mental aspect. If your
body doesn't feel good, you won't want to stick to your workout routine make
sure you warm up and stretch to increase your chances of exercising in the long
Does your exercise routine involve running on the treadmill or using the
elliptical at the same intensity for the whole time you're at the gym. Doing
long and steady cardio might be a necessary approach for long-distance runners
who need stamina. However if your goal is to lose weight, many sources and tons
of research show that instead of focusing on steady cardio, you should do hit
workouts. Hit stands for high-intensity interval training. Hit workouts
involved going as fast as your body will allow you for one to three minutes,
and then slowing down for the same amount of time to a walk if you are beginner
or a jog if you're more advanced.
These types of workouts have an "afterburn" effect, which you don't get with
steady cardio the after burn effect has been tested through numerous studies, including
one conducted in 2011 by Appalachian State University. It's been shown that
exercising vigorously through hit workouts makes the body burn more calories
immediately and for up to 24 hours afterward.
If your exercise routine only involves cardio, it's time to fall in love
with strength training.
Cardio is great in its own right. Besides losing weight he can improve
your memory and thinking ability and it helps to control blood sugar, reduce
anxiety and get you better sleep.
But if you only do exercises that focus on cardio, it means that a lot
of your muscles are not getting the attention they need. Before you know, it
you'll reach a limit in your weight loss journey, because your body will have
Adapted to the cardio that's why adding strength training to your team
is a must.
Many people are afraid of getting too buff with strength training. Which
is why they stay away from it, but strength training will help you gain lean
muscle in your body. It will also increase your metabolism and help you burn
fat. The more muscle you have,the more energy your body will expend and the
more calories your body will burn while you are chilling in your house,
sleeping or just going about your regular day.
Most people have been sore at one point or another, and it isn't just
something that happens to those who are engaging in a new workout routine. even
the most experienced athletes can get sore from time to time, to a certain
extent soreness is a natural part of exercising. The technical term is delayed
onset muscle soreness and it occurs 24 to 48 hours after you exercise, but how
sore is too sore? should you push through your soreness or rest?
Taking time to rest and allowing your body to recover from exercise is necessary
for a healthy workout routine. If you wake up and find that you can't get out
of bed, then that's too sore. It means you're pushing your body too much all at
once, when you actually need to ease into the exercise you're trying to accomplish. This type of soreness means you'll need to take a few days of rest and focus only
on very light exercise such as walking. If you try to push through this soreness,
all you'll do is tire the muscle and set yourself back even further.
What is the best approach? Doing more repetitions with lighter weights
or doing fewer repetitions with heavier weights.
Both approaches have their benefits. But if you're trying to tone up your
body and show some muscle, heavier weights for a shorter time is the way to go. Light weights can help you build endurance and using them is particularly helpful
for endurance sports like cross-country skiing and rowing. You could do 20
repetitions with light weights, but pushing your body to use heavier weights
even if you only do 5 repetitions will help your muscles look sculpted. Lifting heavy weights will increase your muscular strength and tone up your
If your goal is weight loss, heavier weights and short reps are also the
way to go. This works in the same way that hit exercises function. Heavier
weights will help you maintain your muscle mass while losing fat.If you're
planning to try this soon, make sure you test your body to see how much weight
you can safely and comfortably lift, before engaging in a hard workout.
If you focus purely on strength training or cardio, you won't be able to
reach the weight loss results you expect.
This is not just because your body will adapt to the exercise, but
because there will also be a higher chance that you'll get bored and quit your
routine. When you first started to exercise, if you found it really hard to go
a full half hour on the stationary bike and now it's a breeze, then good job. This means you've gained some stamina, but it also means it's time to change
things up and give yourself a new challenge.
A good exercise routine for weight loss and toning up involves cardio,
strength training and flexibility exercises. Warming up and stretching, so mix
it up and you'll see how this variety can help you stay much more engage with
your exercise routine.
Remember that besides exercising, diet plays a huge role in your weight
loss journey. If you exercise and eat well but are regularly piling on the
calories with energy drinks or energy bars which are packed with sugar, you
could be reversing the benefits of your exercise.