How To Begin The Amplification Of Dryness, Explained In Detail.

July 01, 2019

A lot of questions come to me: what is the amplification of dryness? and we do not 
understand it, how do we apply it?
What is amplification in the original: amplification is that you increase the mass and increase the weight of your weight. Benefit for slim peoples and benefit peoples who want to increase their muscles mass and balance his body.

If you come to amplification there are two options:

The first option: (dirty bulk) In this option you will eat anything that is in the quantity you want and with exercises will increase the muscle stitch but you will increase your weight quickly and fat quickly.
This method is very bad and I do not like it, when you want to dry it will take you a long time, the matter is very long and tiring even if the flap possible lose muscle mass built by, so why not be patient and follow the second method

The second option is amplification by drip: This method is necessary for her to explain and understand gradually. In this article, I will explain to you in detail.
In short, the method of amplification with dryness is that you know your body needs calories to be constant, and this link makes it easier for you to know the calories you will need.==>

Fill out the main information and you'll see all the details
After filling out all your information, is it enough to take my need and increase it, not just any need that will actually be needed. Your body is different from another body, your routing is different from the routing of another person, you move more than a second person, in this case, you must test this requirement.

How To Do This
The first step:
take this requirement and apply it to yourself  for 4 days If your weight is fixed in these four days, it means that your need is correct

For example: if he gave me in my need of 2600 calorie when I wanted to apply it 4 days my weight gradually decreased ... Then I increased 100 cal than I needed 2700 cal, and I dropped the weight of another mater the second time I increased 50 calories than I needed 2750 cal, For 4 days, therefore, this is my 2750 cal requirement
Do this to you too.

The second step:
In short, the amplification by drying is a calorie increase between 200 cal and 400 cal so how do I know the exact number. To determine the amount of muscle that your body can get, you need to know the problem. 

This is a table that shows everything that is developed by the specialist and the world of sport. I gave you this table carefully showing you the necessary amount of weight you need every year.

If you are a gymnast in the first year of training and you want to increase your muscle mass, you can increase 1kg per month, which is more than 400cal. 
If you are a slim person and your weight is not developing, you are a beginner in sports and you want to show muscles add 400cal and do not be afraid because your body will receive this amount quickly and build the muscle quickly, as the table shows the possibility of your weight increase 1kg per month. It is true that there will be some fat but something normal. Every week you have to weigh your body and see if it increases or not if the answer is not there is something wrong.

We come to the second person, two years of hard work. Which exercises a full year and enters the second year, in this case you need 200 kg on your need, according to the schedule will increase 0.5 kg each month, from 100 cal to 150 cal every week of the muscle mass, and then watch your weight if it increases or decreases, if it increases 100 cal you are in the right ways, and if you do not or your weight is fixed you need to increase your need to 300cal.

We bring to the last person the beast, my advice to you, your weight or muscle mass you have will increase slowly, by 0,250 cal per month, in this case, you need to be careful don't add too many calories for 200 cal above your need because it will lose your weight increases and will remain the same body and the same muscle and taste will increase. If you keep 200cal on your need and measure your weight daily this way you will be in the right way.

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